
Currently the EU under the United Nations in 2006 to 2008 the resolution adopted during the three

People's Network in Brussels on July 26 (Xinhua LEE Wing-group) the Council of 26 EU foreign ministers adopted a package of new measures to sanctions against Iran, focusing on Iran's oil and gas sector. This is by far the most stringent EU sanctions to force Iran to resume talks on nuclear issues.

UN Security Council on June 9 through the fourth sanctions resolution on Iran. In view of the three previous sanctions on Iran unmoved, the European Union decided to implement tougher measures than the United Nations sanctions,Buenos Aires province, efforts to increase pressure on Iran, in order to maximize the effectiveness of sanctions. New EU sanctions will focus on energy, trade, finance and transport.

Focus on targeting Iran's oil and gas fields, prohibit all oil and gas-related investment, technology assistance and transfer, to provide equipment and services, in particular oil refining and gas liquefaction. Although Iran is OPEC's second largest crude oil exporter, due to its lack of adequate refining capacity, 40% of the petrol is still dependent on imports. The sanctions will undoubtedly blow to Iran's "weakness."

EU member states will also be in the port, airport and shipping lines to strengthen inspection to restrict Iran's shipping and air transport; the European Union will ban more Iranian banks and insurance companies to conduct financial activities in the European Union and Iran's foreign trade will become more difficult, therefore ; expand the scope of visa restrictions, repression of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards arrested the opposition was refused entry the EU. Most of the sanctions the EU from July 27 release date of the Official Gazette to implement.

Currently the EU under the United Nations in 2006 to 2008 the resolution adopted during the three, has taken a series of sanctions against Iran measures, such as technical trade restrictions on nuclear defense, limitations, and project-related personnel Qianzheng nuclear freeze certain bank and personal property .

(Article Source: PRC)

