
and began to implement economic

HAVANA, Aug. 5 power (Qi Pei Wang's party) Cuban Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the 5th to protest against the U.S. government to include Cuba, the United States will immediately remove it from the list.

Cuba's Foreign Ministry North American Division

He said in a statement, the United States once again to include Cuba, embodiment.

is visiting Brazil,in addition to nearly 15, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said that no country like Cuba to combat terrorism, United States, Cuba has been subjected to acts of terrorism in our midst. He also demanded the U.S. release of arrested in Miami in 1998, five Cuban anti-terrorism operations.

U.S. State Department released on 5 situation of global terrorism report for 2009 will be Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria, the list of Over the years, Cuba has been the U.S. State Department listed in the

1959 victory of the Cuban revolution, the U.S. government has always taken a hostile attitude against Cuba. Mercenary invasion of Cuba in 1961 after the failure of the United States, the United States severed diplomatic relations with Cuba, and began to implement economic, trade and financial blockade of Cuba.

the United States then Iran and Cuba and other four countries included in the (This article Source: Xinhua)


