
the reason should tell us what prices

today (19) morning, the ancient city of Pingyao in Shanxi Province to adjust ticket prices in Pingyao County, hearing of the six party building conference room, the hearing was an application by the Pingyao County, Shanxi Province Price Administration of the Municipality is responsible for organizing Jinzhong implementation. Participate in the hearing officer a total of 27 people,Langao County, has 14 consumer representatives, from Jinzhong City and Pingyao County offices, factories, villages, enterprises, operators of two representatives, two representatives of stakeholders, experts, Two scholars, representatives of seven government departments, in accordance with the ancient city of Pingyao was read out ticket prices hearing program, the prospective price of the tickets in the 100 by the adjustment to each person for each 125 yuan per person, up 25% .

response, please voice of special observers in China for the following special comment.

concerned about rising prices but also because of Pingyao Ancient City of Pingyao ancient city of tickets to join a new round of tourism scenic spots among the tide of rising prices. In a month ago, Qufu, \price range is not low.

Scenic Spots has always been a hot topic, although the bottom in open hearings, but the public has never been broken question, why?

Mr. Jiang Xiaoyan, then was simple, but give a simple and plain truth, so that the prices of all the reasons and excuses before the words can not stand our ground. The question, of course followed the public.

course, some people may say that the reality of mainland China, can not be generalized. We say that reality. Even if we do not pursue these scenic properties in the end is not universal, or other property, then Scenic Spots Anyhow, the reason should tell us what prices? Most scenic spots have held a hearing, but does the scenic area to the public before, the ticket sales at last gone? How much day to day operations, how much wages, how much maintenance repairs, and paid the financial cost?

even if you say, public expenses reception too, had to rise. If you do not clear these, the people will never understand the reasons for price increases scenic, if not to clear these so-called hearing on ticket prices would be a routine procedure prices only, if not to the clear, heavy ban, the ticket prices are still able to find a way of exports and still is a temporary treatment. Prices like this get together. Three years ago, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a notice to require the adjustment of travel ticket is the frequency of not less than 3 years. The results for three years just after the ban, the National Scenic Area is a rise in the price. Soon the gun ban into orders.

Therefore, price increases not only in the scenic grounds untenable, not open and transparent procedures will naturally become the target of public criticism. Neither appropriate nor fair.

