
especially in Louisiana.

The Beijing News reported on July 23 announced the world's four major oil companies on the 22nd, will be invested 250 million U.S. dollars each to set up a joint company, to help the UK oil spill off as soon as possible to complete the collection, and respond to possible future similar incidents.

The four companies were Exxon Mobil,Interrupted days attracted many media, Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell and ConocoPhillips, which this week announced four joint project start-up capital invested 1 billion U.S. dollars to build a non-profit joint venture. The company will design, build and operate a rapid response system, in order to collect the oil spill on the sea. While several new systems including the collection of oil spill control equipment, vessels, and a combination designed specifically to address the blowout is expected to be completed in 18 months. The company will also set up a special emergency commandos, will be 24-hour standby, and place in a few weeks.

Four oil companies hope that through the establishment of this company can appease the U.S. government and the public mood on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. In view of the United Kingdom is still busy with the permanent closure of oil spill clean-up port and a large number of post-disaster work, the company has not been asked to participate in the formation of this joint venture. BP did not make any comment.

Exxon Mobil's CEO Sen said: "We want to establish the emergency system, but I hope we will never use it."

Exxon Mobil and Chevron oil companies have oil spills, to Exxon Mobil in 1989, "Alaska oil spill," the most serious.

■ news

Leakage or "leak" out of thousands of jobs in the United States

Rating agency Moody's has issued a report, the U.S. Gulf of Mexico oil spill could lead to the loss of the U.S. southeast coast states as many as 10 million jobs.

The report said even if the Gulf of Mexico oil well accident permanent closure in the next month, estimated that the disaster will also lead to the loss of 17,000 U.S. Southeast jobs, the economy nearly 1.2 billion U.S. dollars of lost production. If you block the oil down on the job, it happened to the end of crude oil continues to leak, while the deep-sea drilling activities in the United States on the implementation of the ban was extended for six months, the economic loss could be as high as 7.4 billion U.S. dollars, more than 100,000 jobs were not guaranteed.

Moody's pointed out that the oil spill on the Gulf Coast fisheries and aquaculture, the greatest impact, especially in Louisiana.

(This article Source: Beijing News on: Shen Wei Qing)

